An affinity group is a group of people who share a similar identity. Although members of the group may have a common identity, it does not mean that everyone in the group has had the same experiences. The group is a place for reflection, dialogue, and support; it ultimately strengthens ties within the community. Facilitating positive identity exploration is central to creating an inclusive and thriving community.
We have affinity groups at KCD because we want to create open spaces where members of our community can explore ideas about identity, share resources, mentor each other, learn, and grow. Affinity groups are one way that we can support one another and are active in the middle and upper schools.
Parent Affinity groups support the notion of an inclusive community by providing the space for diverse groups to self-identify, unite openly, and engage intelligently. Learn more about our parent affinity groups by
emailing our Parent Association Diversity Chair.
Student affinity groups may vary from year to year, but typically include organizations such as BSU (Black Student Union), DLC (Diversity Leadership Club), Desi Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Girl Up, GSA (Gender/Sexuality Alliance), Hispanic Club, Interfaith Club, NAC (Native American Club), Kindness Club, Ghana Club, Women In Business, and MSA (Muslim Student Association).